GAME TYPE: All Mid All random (ARAM

BANS PER TEAM: none (0)

MAP: Howling Abyss

SIDE: The upper Team in the bracket is always on the blue side

CHAMPION SELECT: every team receive a random champ, which cant be rerolled, once the

championselect started you cant left it. If your team leave you getting disqualified.



  1. 16 Teams
  2. Single Elimination
  3. The final game is played in a best of 1 serie.
  4. 3rd and 4th place will play a best of 1 game to determine prizes.


  • Provide Summoner Names as it is spelled on your League of Legends Client.
  • Provide correct Summoner Names for each player participating in the tournament.
  • The names in our form that you register with, are the exact names being used to submit for prizing. Please make sure you spell them correctly when registering. (i.e special characters, numbers, etc.)
  • All league of legends Teams are welcome to join our tournaments. As long the name of the team is not offensive
  • Provide a correct Email Address when the team captain signs his team up.
  • Tournament games are played within the time given. When the tournament host says you can start, you have 15 minutes to start the game. If the game was not started by 15 minutes, the guilty team will be disqualified.
  • Summoners should be a Level 30 in the League of Legends Client.
  • Roster changes cannot be made after one day before the tournament start date.
  • Register your team at our Tournament Registration Page.
  • Teams consist of 5 summoners. Teams are allowed 2 substitutes during the 5v5 (ARAM) 
  • Substitutes must already be on your Team Roster and must be submitted to us in the registration form.
  • Teams who are joining any tournament must Check In 60 minutes prior to game time. (You will need to check in, on
  • Check in ends at the time the Tournament starts.
  • If your team misses the Check In, your team will forfeit the tournament.
  • Register your team with the Registration Form


1. Provide the correct summoner names when you register your team, else you don receive prices.

2. No inappropriate names or teamnames.

3. Check in starts 60 minutes before the start of the tournament, be sure to check in. If you are not checked in, your team will NOT participate in the tournament.

In game rules

1. Play fair. Hacks and scripts are forbidden, if we see that someone is hacking or cheating, we will immediately disqualify the team.

2. Respect your teammates and the enemy team members.

3. pause: OFF 

4. The new Summoner Spell "Mark" (better known as: Snowball) is not allowed to use

Post game

1. Results of the matches will automaticly be updated in the bracket.

2. If your team lost, dont verbally abuse the opponent, because we will host more tournaments in the future, so you will have more chances to win prizes in the future.

Most important rule!

Follow the Summoners Code! No unsportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated. League of Legends Tournament players want to have a good experience and the tournament hosts wants to provide fun and good mannered League of Legends tournaments. You may refer to the Summoners Code.

Last but not least

Have fun and enjoy the tournament!